When I first became a scout leader I had a conversation with a neighbouring leader that went along the lines of...
Malcolm: I gave a new scout a billy filled with water and asked him to put it on the fire - a fire that I had lovingly prepared for the scouts to cook their breakfast on. When I returned a few minutes later I was confronted with a steaming mass of charred embers. "I didn't mean pour the water on the fire you clot, you're supposed to be boiling the water so that we can all have a cup of tea!"
Me: Er, what's a billy? I thought he was a friend of mine.
Malcolm: Billy can. A metal can for cooking stuff in.
Me: Oh. It could have been worse...
As the scout was pulled burning hot
From the flames, Skip screamed, "You big clot!
When I said, you prize willy,
"On the fire put the billy,"
I meant not the child but the pot!"
