Twenty-two testimonies to challenge aggressive atheists, awkward agnostics and those who just don't seem to care, as well as being of great comfort to believers who simply need a bit of encouragement.
"Why are we here?" "What's it all about?" Two of the questions most of us ask, probably more than once - maybe many times, in our lives, and there it often ends. Yet the questions remain and we continue through life wondering, but unsatisfied and discontent. However, if we are determined to find some answers, we need to start searching. We may doubt if it is actually possible to get anywhere. Is life just a complete accident and there are, in fact, no answers? When we close our eyes for the last time - is that it? There are answers! Transformative Testimonies includes first-hand, true encounters that people, in their own words, mostly alive today, have experienced when digging deeper. It will help readers on their search or confirm and encourage them if they're already on the journey. Contributors include those that have been involved in different faiths, drugs, alcohol, New Age and other spiritualism, Satanism, shamans, witch doctors, pornography, abuse, war, physical and mental illness, death, apartheid, self-harming, cults, prison and divorce. Others have just been a little lost. Editor, John Hemming-Clark writes, "Transformative Testimonies is not an easy read. You may be very offended by it. You might find that it attacks Apollyon beliefs that you may hold dear. Transformative Testimonies may change your life but if you want it to it most definitely will - whoever you are." Launch Price: £9.99 ISBN: 9781897864692 Amazon (paperback & download): Click here More info: www.johnhemmingclark.com/transformativetestimonies "May it touch many lives!" Laura Maxwell, ex-spiritist "Brilliant. I cannot put this book down. Really enjoying it. Easy to read, yet challenging." Amazon review